- I loved the book. The series. The characters.
- I didn't know it started out as a Twilight fan fic when I read the books. When I did find out - it didn't matter. And FYI: I love Twilight, too.
- I skipped parts of the book. Mainly, when it had to do with BDSM. I wasn't grossed out, I wasn't offended - they just weren't my cup of tea and I found out that even if you did skip them, you could still understand - and love - the story.
- I watched the movie with 3 others who haven't read the books.
- When I review something, it's usually positive in general because I prefer to leave it to other people to write the bad stuff. Nothing against them - again, it's just not my thing. I prefer to think of such works as being intended for markets that I'm not a part of.
- However, for this movie - which I care a lot about - I thought I should also point out what I felt was lacking (as a fan). I like the movie, I really enjoyed it - but I don't love it. I hope to love the sequels, though.
Now, on to my thoughts.
- I've read a couple of reviews which praised Dakota Johnson's acting. I couldn't figure out why from the trailer but after watching the movie - YES. I love her as Ana. She will forever be Ana to me.
- I feel, because I've read a couple of articles which imply - or state outright - about Jamie Dornan's discomfort over the BDSM aspects of his character, when I watched such scenes, I actually felt - or imagined I felt - his discomfort. I hope he's more intense about it next time.
- I love seeing Taylor come to life. I had a hard time picturing him with the book, but when I saw the guy who played him in the movie - YOU CHOSE WELL, UNIVERSAL STUDIOS.
- Kate, Elliot, Jose, Mia...not what I pictured, but it's okay. Not complaining at all.
- I've read a number of articles detailing how FSOG fans complained about the movie not being sexy enough or not having enough sex scenes in it. And the funny thing is, when I ended up watching - I actually thought there was too much haha. I wanted more story, more romance and less time spent in the Red Room.
- Here in the Philippines, certain parts of the sex scenes had to be blurred. No mention of this was made at any time when trailers were shown. I don't agree but I don't feel passionately enough about it. I do wish that they made the blurring more natural, though. It made everything feel so...unprofessional.
- With the book, the emotional aspect of their relationship was evident and it was a gradual process. You'd get why Ana cried and you'd feel sad with and for her. But here in the movie, it was more of an Insta-love thing between the two, which is why I wasn't surprised at all when my boyfriend couldn't understand why Ana suddenly started crying when talking to her mom about Christian. I hope, with the sequel, there'd be more feelings. Of course, if my opinion is of the minority then I also understand if that doesn't happen and there'd even be more sex in the sequels.
- I LOVE THE ENDING. I usually hate cliffhangers, but I really loved how they did this one. :D And you won't often hear me saying that.