THANKS TO YOU GUYS, Tangled made it to USA Today's bestselling list for this week at #111 - that number is pretty special to me.
- The boyfriend's birthday is January 11 or 1/11.
- My dad once bought a car and ordered a customized plate number - *** 111. The three letters were my nickname. :)
It's funny how the first time I had a bundle on USAT I couldn't sit still. I want to shout it to the world. Now, I'm still feeling surreal about it, but not as excited. More...numb. Like, is this really happening? Was I part of another bundle that enough people bought to get it to USA Today?
Maybe someday I'd be "Oh, poo! It's just USA Today." But...I doubt it. I'm kinda like my characters in that way. I appreciate the finer things in life, but I love the little things, too - everything that should be a reason to smile will make me smile. =D
Anyway, this means I owe you ANOTHER chapter for OFF GUARD. And my fan fic readers are going to kill me if I don't put out another chapter for my Vampire Knight story. I will get to it eventually, but right now I'm up to my neck in deadlines with my publisher. =/ Hopefully by end of February or March 15 to be exact, I can concentrate on these free stories. I owe them to you and I will get them to you as soon as I can!
P.P.S. Edited this post just to share that thanks to you guys, I'm #87 on Amazon's overall list for bestselling or most popular authors (I have a hard time figuring it out lol).