Used to be, when I'm feeling frustrated or when I'm feeling particularly hopeful about my prospects for getting published, I'd create a new document and it would just be for - guess what - my future dedication page.
I'd spend countless minutes agonizing every word. I want it to be short but sweet but I always end up with a list that spans the entire page. One day, I recall telling myself. One day, this would be reality.
Fast forward years later (over a decade at least)---
And here I am, and almost all of my books do not have dedication pages. >.< The only time I remember I have to do it is for print books, and that's only because I have this list from Tania Arpa (check her out, she does covers and format books and stuff). Well, it's not actually a list per se, but more like guidelines sent over by email and one of it was about dedication / acknowledgments. If not for that reminder, I wouldn't have even remembered to write one. I always remember to thank readers at the end of each story, but other than that...
I guess it's not just a big a thing as it used to be. And it's not that I'm not thankful. I am.
The people I need to thank, like my parents and loved ones - I do it every day, in person.
The people I work with, like my editor and cover artist, I thank them every time we complete a project.
I thank them every time, and I mean it every single instance I utter those words.
So why don't I create those acknowledgment pages?
I guess because...I no longer need the sense of validation it used to give me, when I was still unpublished. Back then, acknowledgment pages weren't just about thanking the people around me. Rather, and I'm being completely honest here (but please also keep in mind that this is just me, and YOU can have different ideas and feelings about it) - acknowledgment pages were more like something ONLY A PUBLISHED AUTHOR HAS THE PRIVILEGE of doing.
And that's why I wanted to do it.
That's it.
Now, even after writing this post, I'd like to think that I'll change and start writing acknowledgment pages again, just so I can show my thanks to the people who helped me behind the scenes but honestly?
I doubt I'd remember doing it.
I'd like to think that instead of wanting me to thank them on every single book, these people appreciate the fact that I'll always have their backs, that I'm so genuinely grateful for how much they've helped me that if they ever need me - I will be there for them.
I hope these people know that.
And yeah, I know this isn't a lesson that will benefit aspiring authors but I thought I should share it nonetheless. Not sure why, just thought I should. :)