Personally, I am dying for those covers. They're soooo puh-rity. Or maybe that's just the biased writer in me. We like to think of our books as babies and these by far are my cutest babies. (I know I always say that. Just bear with me.)
Okay, site updates next.
I've added a new page here - MY RECOMMENDATIONS. It's basically a list of the authors I've read so far and loved. More often than not, I'll just write 1 review per author. That should really be enough since if I love1 book of an author, I'll likely love everything else she / he writes. Also, writing 1 book per author allows me to PROMOTE MORE BOOKS AND INTRODUCE MORE NEW & OLD AUTHORS.
If you have any author you'd like to recommend, just use the contact form here and let me know! Or post a comment anywhere.
Oh, and one last thing---
I'm back at the Top 100 Amazon Authors for Erotica! SQUEEEEE! Thanks everyone!