Well, no I'm just kidding.
Actually, in this case the ordinary girl dreamed of hitting Amazon's Top 1000. And it happened. So she dreamed of hitting Amazon's Top 500. And it happened. Dare she dreamed of hitting Amazon's Top 100?
Umm...of course she did.
This is me, the eternal optimist. Of course I'm going to dream big. My heroines are eternal optimists for a reason you know. :D
However, Top 100 is a far cry from Top 1000. That's like...something only a handful of authors are able to hit and that's only when they book certain ads. But...hey...dream big, right?
So I dreamed. And when I least expected it...well, it happened, too.
So forgive me for going Little Ms. Screenshot on you but I really want to have all of this up on my website for posterity's sake. I don't know if I can replicate the success again. I took these shots around 3 or 4pm by the way (it's 11PM now).
Note: All the screenshots below with rankings are for OVERALL lists on Amazon. Overall, baby!!! :D
After an hour or less, Eternally Seduced made it to Top 100 as well. :D The highest To Love a Shifter got is #104 but I'm not losing hope. I mean, come on it's Domenico Moretti!!! We can do this, right? :D