(Note: If you ever read a future book of mine where the heroine suffers the same fate, you know what's inspired it)
I've tried working even when I'm feeling shitty but when I re-read what I've written...it sucked. It just really sucked so I figured I should just focus on taking it easy and get back to my usual ten-hour work routine on Monday. Meanwhile, though, one thing I've been doing to entertain myself while the writing part of my brain's shut down is playing otome games .
(Note: Believe it or not, but the picture on the left only shows one of my two app-packed folders of otome games. :D I'm that obsessed!)
I've played a lot of otome games this week but my hands-down favorite would efinitely be Miyabi's route in Voltage's Enchanted in the Moonlight.
For those who don't know, Enchanted in the Moonlight is about a human girl with special powers - she has blood that basically enables her to act like a power charger for ayakashi or non-humans. In the game, she needs to choose one of several ayakashi as her protector (who will also be her husband).
Here are some screenshots of the game.
Oh, and did I mention that the best way for ayashi to recharge using her powers is to be intimate with her? O.o The more intimate, the better. (Read: sex = Toguro of Ghost Fighter being at 100%)
But I digress.
For my first time to play the game, I chose Miyabi. He's a kitsune or a fox demon (we don't have that in Philippine mythology and I don't think American mythology has it either).
They do a lot of ecchi stuff THROUGHOUT - yes, throughout! - the story.
Episode 1 starts with the human girl - the MC or in this case, Maeve (I always use this name when playing otome games - choosing Miyabi as her protector-slash-husband.
He brings his lips to my neck again, where I felt a sting moments earlier.
Anyway, when playing Miyabi's route, I find myself playing hard to get most of the time. I mean, I don't know - when I meet a guy who's as cocky as Miyabi, I don't care how sexy or gorgeous he is. My hackles WILL rise and I don't care if I have to cut my nose to spite my face. I am NOT giving in.
So what happened in the game was when Maeve felt like fainting and he tried to pick her up in his arms, she shook him off and he says----
Maeve wants Miyabi to erase his mark. No can do, unfortunately, especially since---
I don't like it when low level ayakashi try to touch what's mine.
I'll make you glad you were born a woman.
The fact that women desire me is just the way things are. It's not bragging.
Ten days is all I need to get a girl like you to fall for me.
You'll be lusting for me from inside your bed.
I can't wait to hear what sounds you make.
But again, I digress.
Anyway, Maeve finds out after that all the ayakashi will be living with her (hello, reverse harem! Woohoo!). The next day, she goes to work and Miyabi shows up. Of course, everyone in the library (her workplace) are all "kyaaa kyaaa" because of how gorgeous he is. When one of them asks if he comes to the library often, Miyabi says----
P.S. Almost forgot that you can also choose to "receive" emails or messages from whichever guy you choose. Here's the first one I got from Miyabi---

The game is free to download from Apple's iTunes and Google Play. You get to enjoy the prologue for free and you only have to pay when you've decided on which character's route you want to play. Main stories are usually $3.99 per character but right now, the main stories of Enchanted in the Moonlight are on sale for $2.99 per character. :)
I'll try to update with another episode recap soon and - time and health condition permitting - I'll do my best to continue updating probably until Saturday.
Sunday, though, I'm hoping I'll be back to normal and ready to finish my edits for MTBY.
Until the next episode!