I know you know I am Not Normal. It must therefore have been clear to you from the very start that making me your pet and heartkeeper would be A Terrible Mistake.
It shames me to admit that I Did Not Completely Understand the duties and responsibilities of being your pet and heartkeeper. It was only when I witnessed the interactions between Lady Zari and Lord Alexandru, your brother, that I realized how Grossly Mistaken I was about my role.
She knew - and had long accepted - that she was not the kind of girl men would fall in love with, and most especially not men like her most precious Master.
Vainly she had waited for her Master to break the contract between them, as what was only proper, but two years had already passed, and still she remained under his care.
It was as if her Master was prepared to suffer for her shortcomings, and Rhapsody could not in good conscience allow such a thing to happen. This letter should ensure that her Master would find someone better. Or at least it should do so...if she could only figure out just what to write exactly.
Dear Master,
It has long been made clear to me by A Credible Source that I am Without the Necessary Womanly Assets to properly Stir A Gentleman's Interest. It is therefore best that his lordship---
Someone was coming.