Hi K.T.! I am really excited to have you here so thank you very much for lending us a bit of your time. But first and foremost – congratulations on the successful releases of Rockstar Daddy and Rockstar’s Girl! Like with my other interviews, the first part will be about your books – where you have to answer the questions we readers are dying to ask – and then the second part will be for aspiring writers.
So on to the first part: if you were to create the casting for a Rockstar Daddy movie, who would you choose to play Jax and Kendal? And because Finley is the most adorable kid, please let us know who you’d cast for him as well.
WOW a very good question hehe. It's hard because I know exactly how they all look in my head but I guess the closest for Jax for me anyway would have to be a mixture of Ian Somerholder and Alex Pettyfer, just add some more muscles and tattoos and get them looking rough and ready hehe. I know for other people Jax would look different but when I picture him his a mans man, with a rockstar ruggedness but with a very pretty face, for a man.

I love, love, love the fact that your rockstar hero also happens to be a dad! Normally, guys with kids do not spell sexy for me but you did it soooo well! =D Let’s say Kendal and Jax are already months after their happily-ever-after ending. Could you share with us what a typical day for Jax would be? What swooningly romantic things would Jax do that a normal dad won’t?
With Finley he would be teaching him all things a little rock star should. He loves to teach Finley the guitar, they both have a good eye for clothes and I guess because Jax has had a lot of experience with the women, he will have good advice for Finley growing up and being Jax's double I'm sure he have a lot of attention as he get's older.
(Gah! It would be so nice to see Jax and his mini-me shopping for tuxes! That would be totally awesome!)
With Kendal he likes to have his own way with her. Jax will be shutting down jewellery stores or attractions just so he can be alone with her, no matter how mad she will get at him. He loves Kendal watching his shows and Kendal gets a lot of pleasure watching him too . Jax is like any other dad really except that he is known as a huge sex symbol in the world of rock, women love him but he's only interested in one woman. He does things every other dad would it's just sexy on Jax because he is sexy!
Say Jax was single (sorry, Kendal!) – what do you think a “fangirl” (you know I have to ask this question, me being a fangirl as well! Hehe) should / could do to make Jax notice her?
I would say that you would need to be yourself, Jax doesn't like a girl who acts fake. You would need to be a nice girl but with a little attitude. Don't act like a crazy fan because that would only make him think you're with him for Decoy. That's what he loves about Kendal, she see's Jax for who he is. Lastly, find a way to stand out after all, the first time he saw Kendal when they were 18, it was her bright red hair that first caught his attention.
(Mmm...I can do this I think - dye my hair red I mean. lol)
Now, I know you’re working on Book #3 – when do you think Rockstar’s Angel will come out? Care to share with us a blurb?
I'm in the process of writing Rockstar's Angel but I don't know for certain when it will be released. I do know that it will be before Christmas.
Here is the blurb for the third part in the Decoy series, Rockstar's Angel
Since the day Tanya and Leo met they have held an intense attraction for each other. After a hot and passionate night together Tanya is scared that her feelings for Leo are changing from lust and into something more. She doesn't want to fall in love with the playboy drummer, that's just begging for her to get hurt.
Leo loves Tanya's no nonsense attitude, she's different to all the other girls that surround him and he wants her. After their explosive nights together he knows it goes deeper than just sex but Tanya wants to keep quiet about them from their friends and that secretly pisses him of.
Tanya leaves Leo's after an argument and they don't see each other for four years. That time apart has left Tanya feeling more and more angry with Leo and Leo craving beautiful and sexy blonde women. They just don't compare to his beautiful angel and he wants her again, Tanya just won't give him a chance to explain.
That sounds awesome! And quite the tear-jerker, possibly! However, I know that although Tanya and Leo's story sounds good, a lot of your fans are just as eager to know more about what's happening with Jax and Kendal so any plans writing a third story for them?
I wasn't planning on writing Jax and Kendal a third book because you hear about them in the background of Tanya and Leo's story. I've been receiving messages to tell me they need more of them so I'm thinking of planning a little something for fans of Jax and Kendal after I am done with Rockstar's Angel.
Here’s one question that I’ve only thought of but I think would be fun for authors to answer about their own books – what is your favorite quote from Rockstar Daddy and Rockstar’s Girl (one for each book)?
My favourite quote from Rockstar Daddy? That's so hard! I have so many parts I love, when the girls are on the hen do and when Jax sings to Kendal as they dance at Rhys and Sophie's wedding. I think for my favourite quote I'm going to have to go with when Kendal screams to Jax.
My favourite from Rockstar's Girl is even harder because I have A LOT. I have so many parts that I love in this book but I think if I had to pick a quote that stands out to me the most it would have to be when Jax goes to Kendal's at the beginning and tells her.
"Kendal I was happy and living my dream when you were with me. When you left I wasn't happy anymore. I wasn't living my dream anymore. Being with you was my dream. Being without you was miserable."
Lastly, aside from contemporary romance, do you plan on writing in other sub-genres?
Yes I do. I have a lot of other books in mind that fit in the same genre as my current books. More rock star romances, I have a few biker books that I'm dying to wite and some bad boys.
I have some paranormal books too, werewolves and vampires. Even angels and demons, I have A Lot of rough drafts waiting to be written.
Thank you for satisfying our curiosity about the Decoy series and your other works. Now it’s time for aspiring writers to find out the answers to your questions.
First of all – you are so young and pretty! Are you sure you’re of legal age – old enough at least to write sexy romances? Please share a little personal background for yourself.
Well thank you very much! I am blushing haha. Yes I am the legal age, I'm 23 years old. I have two beautiful young daughters who have me running around like crazy most of the time and they're very mischievous. Actually Finley's character is both of my girls personalities together. I met my partner when we were in school and have been together from when we were 15 years old.
That is so sweet! I love that you two are still together even though you've met each other at quite a young age! I guess he knew you've always wanted to be a writer then? You did, right? How long have you been writing?
I have always loved writing. When I was younger I would write poems and short stories. I kept them hidden away because they were like a diary to me. I have a note book full of future book ideas that I can't wait to share. When I realised that I could go ahead and publish on Amazon straight away I knew that it was something I really wanted to do.
Have you tried pursuing traditional publishing before this? What made you try self-publishing?
I haven't tried the traditional publishing route, I went straight for the self publishing. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to write my own books but I didn't think it would ever be possible. I thought it was just a dream of mine but when my partner brought me a Kindle Fire for a Christmas present I realised you could self publish on Amazon. I didn't realise how many independent authors there are and I love how much support I have received from a number of them.
I wouldn't say no to a publishing deal, if it was right for me. We will have to wait and see.
Aha! I knew it - having been together that long, I knew your partner would be super supportive of you. How long does it normally take you to write your books?
I always have new ideas for another book so I quickly write them down in my book of ideas. Once I'm set on writing one, it doesn't take me too long. I like to write a rough plot so I know my story line. Then a draft and then I type it up. Usually it takes me about three to four months.
Not bad! But of course your loyal readers would probably want you to write much faster than that so you can churn out their favorite stories by the dozen every year, lol. I can see that you're not the type to run out of ideas so is there anything about writing or publishing that you had a hard time with?
It was probably the whole mess with editing. I feel so sorry for Rockstar Daddy because it was poorly abused by editing that I had to strip it back and it's still being edited now. I had an awesome team of proof readers for Rockstar's Girl who are now looking over Rockstar Daddy for me.
Aww! That's too bad. But I'm glad you've found a great team to support you now. If there’s anything you could change in the past regarding your path to publication – maybe something you wish you knew at the start or rookie mistakes you suffered from – what would it be?
That would have to be with all the editing issues I had with my first book. When I was publishing my second book it was a lot smoother because I had the right people. Also my book cover, I didn't like my first cover but then when I found a new cover artist for Rockstar's Girl I had to get her to redesign Rockstar Daddy and I'm so glad I did. She will be designing all my covers because I love her work.
Yay! Now is the time to give a proper shoutout to CT Cover Creations 'coz I use her as cover artist, too. =D We both have great taste in covers, is all I can say. Haha. Anyway, are you a full-time writer now? Can you say that you’ll be able to earn a comfortable and steady income from your books?
Well, I'm a full time mummy while my partner works. It's perfect because I can stay with my daughters and write when I get a moment to myself. I would love to be a full time writer and be able to do this as my main job, it's always been my dream. I'm not receiving a steady amount to live from at the moment but if my books become more popular and the more books I release then I'm sure I will.
I'm sure they'll continue to do well in Amazon - all your books will since it's obvious to see that your readers love you. Speaking of readers, I'm sure they're eager to know more about your latest upcoming titles - any info you can share about your next projects? If you have a release schedule already, please feel free to share!
My next book to be released will be Rockstar's Angel, which is number three in the Decoy series. After that it will be number four to finish the series. I'm not 100% on which book will be after that because I have so many I really want to release. It will either be a biker romance or a werewolf romance I can't decide which to do first! I'm hoping to finish the Decoy series before the new year so my new projects will be released early 2014.
Awesome! Werewolf romances are (obviously) my favorite. =D Lastly - any advice for aspiring writers?
If writing is what you truly love then I say go for it. I really recommend self publishing on Amazon. If you would rather traditional publishing then that's fine but I didn't have the patience to send manuscripts and wait. I really wanted my books out there and to be enjoyed.
Remember to plan out your story so you know what you're going to write before hand. I've found that makes the flow of your writing more easier and prevents those pesky mind blocks!
Excellent advice! Writer's block is a common dilemma to even the greatest writers, but it's not insurmountable as KT's shown here. Thank you so much for this interview! I look forward to seeing more of your books on Amazon. :)
Thank you so much for asking me to do this! As one of the authors that I really love and have helped me out through this, it's a pleasure.
(Me, blushing, aww! KT is such a sweet person!)